Sunday, October 3, 2010

our first real day of fall

yesterday was our first real day of fall.  it was wonderful!  we had a yard sale too.  that was fun, but not worth our time hardly!  guess that is just one of the drawbacks to living in the sticks.

one of the best parts of the day was seeing the kids walk out of the door.  i was so excited the night before about the impending cold morning that i organized their closet for the fall season.  i went ahead and picked out their clothes for the saturday too - so nathaniel wouldn't have to pick out their clothes.  so when they got up, he went inside and dressed them.  when they came outside, they were like little balls of sunshine walking out the door.  SO full of color... it was nearly blinding.  maybe i went a little overboard with holly, maybe not.  she looks good in mismatched but coordinating color.  needless to say, both of their outfits are from gymbo and holly has, pretty much, that ENTIRE line.  she calls it the owls (but they call it the homecoming line).  i like it called the owls.  it is absolutely adorable.  kendal's clothes were bought in the summer during the red balloon sale.  i think that shirt was like $4 or something.  who says you can't buy cheap clothes at gymbo?  that is cheaper than walmart!  *but much better quality!

ok, so i worked there last night and it was awesome.  that is such a great place!  i'm on a gymbo kick right now.  :(  sad to phase it out of my life.  (but happy to phase in something i went to college for that pays more than minimum wage!)

anyway, while we were NOT busy at the yard sale, i decided that i'd try to practice with my photography!  they were already cute as can be, why not capture it?  so, i was trying to go for some professional-quality pictures.  i think i did OK considering they HATE it when i take their pictures.  thank god for the bird melissa gave me for my birthday. (what bird?  too bad i can't take a picture of myself.  oh wait, i guess i can take a picture in the mirror... later maybe.)


  1. super sweet and great pictures!

  2. Great pictures! Maybe I'll learn that whole aperture thing eventually :-)

  3. Those pictures are AMAZING!!! Love all of the pictures with Holly and Kendal together!



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