Tuesday, May 4, 2010

gotta love spin...


ok, did you read the article?  did you see any odd statements?

seriously, first, i feel for the fishing industry down there.  NC shrimp are good (and we always try to buy NC shrimp), but most of the time i know our shrimp come from the gulf.  like in eastern NC, there are a log of folks that live off the water, and to know that their livelyhoods are going to be destroyed by this (for a while anyway) is just disheartening.  

ok, so to the article:  the price of bananas?  so, they'll go from 50 cents to, what - like $1 a pound?  guess i'll have to cut back - ha ha.  (joking - if i could plant a banana grove i would.  we eat probably 10 bananas a week in this house!  and when i say "we" i mean kendal and holly.)

"The latest satellite image of the slick, taken Sunday night, indicates that it has actually shrunk since last week, but that only means some of the oil has gone underwater."  so does that mean the oil is dissolving?  how is the oil going underwater?  is it like putting on its swimtrunks and swimming?  whatever.  oil doesn't SINK. oil floats.  maybe they need to REWORD that statement.

"Chemical dispersants seemed to be helping to keep oil from floating to the surface..." oh, so they are adding chemicals to the gulf to make the oil heavy and sink.  hum.  crude oil + chemicals + bottom of ocean where it will degrade and contaminate for years and years = good??? seems that they are making a bad situation worse if you ask me.  don't think i'll want to eat ANYTHING from the gulf for the rest of my LIFE (since it'll be degrading for the rest of my life, and probably hundreds of years to come...)

"In the Chandeleur Sound on Monday, about 40 miles northeast of Venice, La., thick, heavy oil formed long clumps that looked like raw sewage. Dying jellyfish could be seen in the water. A dolphin surfaced nearby but did not appear to be in distress."  being as i never saw any scientist quoted, i'm guessing this is the journalists "professional" opinion.  comparing "heavy oil" to "raw sewage" is a quite a comparison, don't you think?  they aren't even close to being the same thing.  dying jellyfish?  how would he know?  did he check their vitals?  (isn't this their breeding season down there so wouldn't they be onshore?)  i'm sure he'd mistake that for "dying" since he is probably uneducated with jellyfish lifecycles.  i mean, come on, the dolphin wasn't in distress - why would the jellyfish be suffering???  i just wonder who was providing him with "professional opinions" with that statement.

"As for the petroleum industry, analyst Phil Flynn said he doesn't expect oil or gasoline prices at the pump to soar unless the shipping lanes are shut down for a long time. Gasoline inventories are at a 20-year high, he said, and oil supplies are probably much higher."  one question:  why haven't the BP prices gone through the roof (sarcasm)?  i'm actually surprised that the gas companies haven't used this as an excuse to raise prices.  well, they did go up about $0.10 last week around here, but as Nathaniel pointed out to me, summer is on the way.  summer, of coarse, is a great reason to raise prices. 

1 comment:

  1. Gas here has jumped $.30 since Rob got home last weekend! Apparently, the gas 'shortage' has hit KY first!

    I had the same thoughts as you when I read the article. Who writes this crap? Are we really more concerned with the price of tires than with the health of an eco-system?!? Ridiculous!

    We were watching something Sunday morning about the spill and Rob said "We're never going to a BP again. Not even for a Coke." Guess I'm turning him into a pseudo-tree hugger too!



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