Wednesday, June 17, 2009

thankful thursday - ceiling fans

man did i wake up hot last night. the ceiling fan was off. turning that on made a difference. or, maybe it was the turning-the-ac-down-two-degrees that did it. well, the fan made the instant difference, anyway.


  1. Don't feel bad. I read this blog and didn't even think twice about the Thursday reference. It sounded right to me!

  2. Ours runs from April-October pretty much all the time.

    Now we've got the one in the foster room going constantly, too.

    Beats having the A/C on all the time.

    Wednesday? Thursday? Who cares. All the same to me!

  3. That's funny. I'm like Emily.......never even realized it wasn't Thursday yesterday when I read your blog for the day. Sure felt like Thursday. TS



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