Sunday, June 14, 2009

workable weekend - bagel spread

here is an old recipe (rather, one i've used for other things) that works for a new thing: take a thing of sausage (maybe a 16 oz package - like you buy at the grocery to patty and cook...) and brown it (i did mine in the microwave. you don't have to break it up because after it is cooked it'll go into the food processor anyway, just make sure its done). drain off all the fat and use paper towels to pat off what fat is left on the meat. put it in the food processor and add a softened block of cream cheese (fat free i'm sure would be just fine) and about a half-pack of the ranch dressing dry-packet (you know, the one you get if you're making ranch dressing at home). turn on the blender and let it run until smooth. i had to scrape down the sides once or twice. i put it in a plastic container and put it in the fridge to get hard - every morning, we've taken a spoonful and used it as bagel spread. YUM! now, we get the little bagels because they are more of a real serving size. i'm not sure the nutritional value, but i know that it holds me well into lunch!!!

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