Monday, October 13, 2008


i'm gonna have to call this kendal's first official "ism." and this has to do with a box of kleenex... which are in abundance in our house since he and i both have that non-stop runny nose type cold. the scene: it was 8am and time for breakfast. i sat k on the floor downstairs to play with toys while i went in the kitchen to cook eggs for breakfast. i was washing dishes while they cooked and cooled. from where i stand in the kitchen, i can't see any of him except the top of his head (which is important to know because when he cries, i can tell if he has fallen over or if he is just frustrated with the toy he has in arms). this morning, he was playing away, rather quietly. everything was done: dishes were clean, eggs were cooked and cooled. about 15 minutes had passed. his high chair tray was loaded with cheese and eggs and a sippy cup of milk. i walked into the living room to get him and he was QUITE involved with a box of tissues.. so involved that he didnt even see me come in the room. too bad i didn't have the camera. it was upstairs and if i had gone towards the stairs, he would have seen me and it would have ended there. so, i chose to just stand there and watch him in action. he was surrounded by white tissues (on both sides of him), kinda mounded up against him and the couch like snow during a dnow drift. as i watched him, i noticed him putting tissues back in the box (which was clearly empty by this point). i said "uh oh" and it startled him. he looked at me and started to cry. i said "uh oh" again and started to laugh, so he started to laugh too. i picked him up and he started saying "all done" as i walked into the kitchen to sit him at his highchair. (this picture obviously isn't him, but he was having a similar style good time!) let me just clarify here that these tissues were not pulled out by the handful, they were pulled out ONE by ONE! i started laying out a few of them that weren't ripped in half or balled up for using this morning, the rest i just picked up by the handfull. how do they fit all those tissues in one box? i had two arms full of tissues... and there was no way (short of turning them into ashes) that i could stuff all of them back into that little box. so there you have it. kendal's first ism.

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