Wednesday, September 3, 2008

aparently you can't be a mom and a leader at the same time...

one of yahoo's headlines got my attention today... it was an article supposedly comparing palin to obama. not that i really care at this point, but i clicked anyway just to see. it was hardly a comparison article. it was more an article stating several liberal spins of palin, comparing her eligibility as a vice president/presidental candidate to the way she is a mother (among other things). now let me just state here that this blog is in NO way a stance on who to vote for, nor am i trying to sway anyone because i, myself, do not even know who i will vote for IF i even vote. this simply is a blog about how crazy our media is!

• CNN's JOHN ROBERTS: "There's also this issue that on April 18th, she gave birth to a baby with Down Syndrome. The baby is just slightly more than 4 months old now. Children with Down Syndrome require an awful lot of attention. The role of vice president, it seems to me, would take up an awful lot of her time, and it raises the issue of, how much time will she have to dedicate to her newborn child?" BASH: "That's a very good question, and I guess my guess is that perhaps the line inside the McCain campaign would be, if it were a man being picked who also had a baby 4 months ago with Down Syndrome, would you ask the same question? And that might be another way to kind of, you know, close the gender gap in trying to make the point that, yes, she not only has unfortunately a baby with Down Syndrome, but she has five children, the oldest of whom is apparently in the Army and is apparently going to head off to Iraq in the fall."

really. has any man (running for office) ever been questioned as his role as a father? seems most "political" men have not only a wife and children, but also a mistress... in this day when an african american and a woman nearly tie for the democratic nomination, i wonder why the role of a woman in her family is being questioned! do "they" think a woman can't do the job because she is a mother? i bet she has more time management and organizational skills than any man in any office anywhere, even our past, present, and future presidents!

The Washington Post's Sally Quinn Questioned Whether A Woman With Five Children And One Having Down Syndrome Would Be Able To Make Her Family A Priority If She Were Vice President. SALLY QUINN: "And I do think, too, that you have to weigh the situation. It's one thing to have one or two or three children, especially if they are healthy children. And everyone knows that women and men are different and that moms and dads are different and that women -- the burden of child care almost always falls on the woman. But I think, when you have five children, one a 4-month-old Down syndrome baby, and a daughter who is 17, who is also a child and who is going to need her mother very much in the next few months and years with her own baby coming, that I don't see how you cannot make your family your first priority. And I think if you are going to be president of the United States, which she may well be, I think that's going to be a real stretch for her."

again. it isn't only a mothers role to make her family the priority. and maybe she does have a baby, but i can tell you for sure (with experience) that a great nanny goes a long ways for allowing you time to work - and having a nanny does not lessen your ablitity to mother your child, either.


well if a soccer mom has time to juggle 4 kids, boxed lunches, HOA, PTA, sports, gymnastics, church, laundry, an aging mother, doctor appts, cooking dinner every night AND making her kids brush their teeth before bed, then i can assure you that she can do the job as a high-office political figure. know why? most of those things can be handled by either a nanny or a maid. all she really needs to do is love her children and spend time with them! just like any MAN/FATHER should be doing if he was in office!


  1. It makes me mad too. Who knows, maybe Palin's husband plans to be a Mr. Mom? The whole Mommy Wars debate is interesting in this day and age. What bothers me about the whole Palin thing is that the same party who cuts funding to Planned Parenthood clinics and reduces access to birth control and politicizes reproductive issues is now saying that Bristol Palin's pregnancy is a private matter and should not be an issue in determining the suitability of the mom as a candidate. How hypocritical!!! And, I have never understood why teenage mothers are praised for "taking responsibility/doing the right thing" when finding themselves pregnant. Responsibility is not getting pregnant unless you intend to in the first place. Doing the right thing is raiding a child in a suitable, mature, and stable home. That is why I loved the movie Juno so much!!! For the first time, there was a positive movie about adoption and how it can be a very positive (albeit heart-wrenching) option for a pregnant teenager!!! OK, off my soapbox for the moment...

  2. I will be quick and brief on this issue, as I do not want my political opinions aired, nor do I want to add to the salacious news media...

    Q: Dear media, did you ask this same question when she was (is) Governor of Alaska?

    A: Cricket, cricket, cricket.

    Methinks being Governor has about the same time consumption as being Vice President, so in essence, the questioning from the media is null.

  3. I really wish they'd focus more on her background, experience, suitability to run the country as a VP or a Prez, etc., and get off this other stuff.


    As for her pregnant 17 year old daughter, she should have put her on the pill. But, again, why is this our concern?

    If we're gonna get down and dirty, let us start talking about John McCain's affair when married to wife number one.

    Or any other secrets we can find on our candidates.

    Anything to ignore what is important!

    Or so it seems the media thinks.

    And, unfortunately, a lot of voters.

  4. Oops. It DOES matter if someone has had an affair (to some degree) who is now a candidate because it does call into questions their character.

    But, I don't think we can say that Palin's daughter getting pregnant calls Palin's character into question.

    It's not as if Palin could lock her up and throw away the key.

  5. That mama hit it out of the park last night! This is THE first election that I have watched BOTH conventions! Looking forward to hearing McCain tonight :-)



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