Monday, February 18, 2008

random stuff

1.) my favorite kiddy cartoon is the wonder pets. if any of you haven't seen it before, i think you should watch it just to see how cute it is. even if you don't have kids. or your kids are grown. their theme song is so catchy, and i sing it to kendal all the time. he loves it too. each episode follows the adventures of three classroom pets--Linny the Guinea Pig, Ming-Ming Duckling, and Turtle Tuck--who travel around the globe helping to rescue animals who need their help. The show features photo-puppetry animation--an animation style created specifically for this series--which allows the animators to manipulate photos of real animals. each episode is like a mini-opera with dialog often sung to an original score by some of Broadway's top composers. And each episode encourages teamwork, empathy, problem-solving skills, and an appreciation of music and humor. at the end of each episode, they break celery (celery-breaking, celebrating). TOO cute. 2.) nathaniel has pretty much finished "building" our family room. the only thing he has left to do is frame a door and put a little bit of stuff around the floor, can't remember what it is called. but, that won't 'take long. the bulk of stuff is done, and we've already put couches and books and art on the walls. it is REALLY nice. one of my favorite things about sitting up here is that in the afternoon, the sun warms the couch and i can sleep like a cat. or, the cat can sleep like a cat beside me. or, kendal can sleep like a cat beside me. another thing i love about it is that it is about the same level as the neighbor's back yard (they live up a hill). they home school their youngest son and during the day, i guess he has PE outside in the backyard. (no really, i guess he just has a while to play during the day). he is the cutest boy (besides my own). sometimes i watch him play with willow. i love watching him play outside. one day not too long from now, i'll get to watch kendal play outside too! 3.) i love lorna doone shortbread cookies. 4.) i can write this now and not jinx myself but in the last 3 weeks, we've had to take bo to the vet 3 times (shots round 1, eye funk, shots round 2). i am VERY pleased to announce that not once did he pee, poop, or throw up in the car. we used mag's crate and lined it with puppy pads (for any accidents) and put it in the back of the vibe. both cats fit in it and i'm sure the people at the vet office think we are one crazy family. because, we all 3 go to the vet with the cats. the trick is to BLOW in bo's face when he stands up. he can't pee or poop if he doesn't stand up. he usually hisses at me, but it keeps his excrement inside of him so that is GOOD! thank god we finally have a system for the vet trips! 5.) kendal was as ill as a hornet yesterday, don't know why but he cried and cried and cried. and no, he isn't cutting any teeth. i think it is because he didn't have any real, long naps (just short ones and not many at that). so today, he's already on nap 3 and much happier. he is in his crib even. i hope he sleeps for another 30 minutes or longer!!! (he does best with 1 hour or longer naps). 6.) wonder pets, wonder pets, we're on our way, to help a friend and save the day. we're not too big and we're not too tough but when we come together we got the right stuff! go wonderpets! YEAH!!! 7.) i DVR the wonderpets episodes. my favorite one so far came on today. they helped save an inch worm. 8.) when i went to put kendal in his crib a while ago, willow was ASLEEP in it!

1 comment:

  1. I tell the girls to clean their room and, without fail, somebody breaks into a chorus of "what's going to work? teamwork!"

    i like wonder pets too, but I wish they'd make some new episodes!



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