Friday, December 12, 2008

Dracaena fragrans - i know how it got its name!

i bet half the world has a corn plant in their house. they are great because they are very low maintenance... they don't need a lot of light, they don't need a lot of water, and if you forget about it for several months, it won't die. well, i have one - well actually a set of 3 (like in the photo). i never even knew what it was called (corn plant) until nathaniel told me. i've had this thing for quite some time... my liking to it grew from the fact my sister had one and could keep it alive. (this is a great spot to put in the story when the first time i went to field camp, melissa moved into my apartment for the 6 weeks and took over my life... she did my job with DOT, she "watered my plants", fed my cats, etc. she killed almost all of my plants (most of which were cacti) in that 6 weeks time! my sister is a REAL brown thumb!... except when it comes to corn plants and apparently cilantro, which is maybe the one plant i can't grow.) ok - back on track. so i've had mine for a while, when we moved here, it took up residence in the turn of our staircase. there is a window there (west facing) that doesn't get much light except late in the afternoon. fast-forward 2 years... we noticed a "growth" out the top of it about 3 weeks ago. last week, nathaniel was walking up the stairs when he said "did you put a plug in around here?" which i have not, i don't really like smells. but the next day, i smelled it too. very sweet, clean floral scent was all over the stairs area. sometimes it even permeated into our bedroom. well this week, the smell is REALLY REALLY strong (still pleasant though) - it is the corn plant's flower! i didn't even know they could blo0m!


  1. I have a peace lily that I have kept alive for about 18 months now -- we got it from Rob's dad's funeral and named it Bob. Bob is doing well. That makes three things I can keep alive :-)

    And on my behalf, I *did* water your plants. Unfortunately, I overwatered them :-o

  2. I have an awful green thumb as well. The only plant I've managed to keep alive is a shoot from a 20 year ivy plant that belonged to Granda W (the plant on top of our pie safe). I keep trying to do starts of it; they develop good root balls, I plant them, they look ok for a month or so, then, dead.

    Now we have to keep the trellis of the ivy plant up on the top since we've discovered both Pete and Lily want to play with them/chew on them.

    So, it'll probably die soon, too.



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