Sunday, May 4, 2008

so sad to go!

i never thought i'd be sad to leave for a vacation, but i am! it is so hard to leave kendal. i know he'll grow a foot and cut 2 teeth and start crawling this week, and i'll miss it all.

last night, i got very sick. maybe it is from not eating. maybe it is allergies, or a cold. maybe it is a combination of the 2 (or 3). i just knew i'd get sick before this cruise. i've felt it coming for several days now. hopefully the salty air will heal me quick. if i can leave.

i dreamed last night that i was so sick that i couldn't go, so we missed our vacation. and i wasn't sad about it. i felt guilty for wasting all that money, but i wasn't sad that i didn't have to leave kendal.

i know for years we've been trying to talk melissa into taking a cruise with us, sans kids. i suppose now i know why she would never commit. i don't think we'll do it (sans kids vacation) again (since it is harder to "pawn off" 2 kids than 1). in the future, we'll only take family vacations. it will be our new tradition.

so anyway, pray i don't die. pray i get better. pray kendal doesn't miss me too much. pray i don't miss him too much! i read today that you have to be at the nassau airport 180 minutes before your flight leaves! that is a long long wait! (RDU is 60-90 min.)


  1. Rob got to the Louisville airport today three hours before his flight... that was the recommended time because it is the day after Derby and everybody is leaving town!

    You'll do fine! But I am kind of glad you know how I feel! And I would have to pawn off 3 (soon to be 4) kids!

    I am still pulling for a joint vacation at a Beaches resort with kids, sisters, bros in law, parents, nephews, etc. Now that would be fun!

  2. a vacation for he entire harris, fairel, and thornburg clans!

  3. Well, I sure hope you went and that the two of you have a fantastic time together. You are right; after this, it's likely going to be family vacations until your family is grown up!
    Also, I hope you ended up feeling better! I'm sure it was just nerves.



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