Wednesday, October 29, 2008


it is time to announce my first real cravings in this pregnancy: halloween peanut M&Ms and dole's new perfect harvest salad. not together though. i've eaten a 1 lb bag of m&ms already this week (since sunday) and i've had salad twice in the past week. i could eat a whole bag of it right now. YUM! (the salad one is weird because i'm not really a vegetable fan - i find it so hard to make kendal eat them becasue i don't like them myself! and this includes peas, beans, spinach, etc. i just don't like greens... or yellows, or oranges!) speaking of foods together, last week i very oddly enjoyed biting a dill pickle and chewing it with a mouth full of plain potato chips. no, not dill flavored chips, but instead pickle AND chips (at the same time). that was tasty, and the texture was unreal. YUM. (those of you who know me ALSO know that i don't like pickles! never have! especially dill pickles!) maybe i should try eating here the next time i'm pregnant in maryland...


  1. Get you some fried pickle chips... Now those are good! (But, anything fried seems to taste good) Had some of those for the first time just a month ago... Speaking of which, I've had a craving for a fried twinkie (see my office door... ;) ) since it's been state fair season, and now you've got me craving Reese's pieces...

  2. Oh, yeah... And eat you some veggies! They're good for you, and they'll make Holly's eyes sparkle! ;)

  3. I never considered something a craving if I would want it anyway (without being preggo) so the peanutbutter m&m's wouldn't count cause I could eat a bag of those anytime! They are delicious!!

  4. I don't usually crave anything except salty and crunchy. Now that I am back from vacation it is time to diet and of course now I am craving EVERYTHING!

    I loved those fried pickle chips, by the way!



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