Monday, October 20, 2008

Our day at the Fair

This morning after Nathaniel (hack hack, cough cough) went to the doctor, we went to the fair. Like last year when we went with Melissa and the girls, we had a great time. Kendal was very interested in all the rides in kiddy land. Of coarse, though, he is too small - so he only got to watch. He was not as interested in the farm animals as I thought he'd be. Of all the time we were there, the only time he even whimpered was when one of the goats bleated. For lunch, I had a philly cheesesteak (which smelled better than it tasted, just like last year), Nathaniel had a turkey leg (he said it was good, it didn't look good to me though), and Kendal ate a container of ravioli. He loves that stuff. Later in the exibit halls, we got a bag of maple cotton candy and I ate most of it. Then we got some ice cream (vanilla and mint chocolate chip), Kendal helped me eat the vanilla. He liked it ok, but, again, I thought he'd be more into it. Nathaniel and I split an apple fritter on the way out the gate, which was kinda blah. It certianly did not satisfy my fried dough craving... SO we went to Krispy Kreme on the way home and got a dozen glazed donuts. We ate half the box (ah, I ate more than Nathaniel, you do the math...) and left the rest for Dad when he gets out of the tree tonight. So, that is our day! By the way, Nathaniel just has a sinus infection, although I thought it was going to be walking pneumonia again because of all the noises he's been making. I'm sure after the prescribed 10 day antibiotic regimen, he'll be all better! OK... so I have another blog to do, but FIRST I need to catch a Kendal action shot/video to post with it! You won't believe what he did today!


  1. What? No pig races? I always get a kick out of those.

    I think the food at the fair, any fair, always sounds/smells better than it actually tastes.

    Nice pictures; you sure had a beautiful day for your day at the fair!



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