Tuesday, January 19, 2010


i went in a bathroom yesterday that reeked of perfumey deodorizer - and i had an epiphany.

what exactly is a "deodorant"?
looking at the word, shouldn't a de-odor-ant be something that DE-odorizes something?

well, the smell of the stuff in the bathroom definitely wasn't de-odorizing.  it was re-odorizing.

so, maybe the "deodorant" (like what we use on our armpits) should REALLY be called "reodorant."
this is why:
it takes our natural sweat,
stops it from coming out (the aluminum oxide antiperspirant technically makes it an un-odorant),
and then provides our armpits with a new smell that activates with our body heat (the re-odorant).

just saying.


  1. Is this the type of stuff you think up when you're lying sick in bed? At least you didn't dream in laser beams like I did.

    You are correct though. Re-odorant.

  2. Ha ha. Amazing how our minds work!



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