Monday, August 18, 2008

mother to son wisdom

as a new-mother gift to me, my sister (melissa) gave me a small book called mother to son: shared wisdom from the heart by melissa and harry harrison. i read the book and liked it, but really didn't "get" most of it (since, being a very new mom, i hadn't the experience yet to appreciate the words). well i reread the "in the beginning" part again this week, and NOW i get it. i thought i'd share some of it here because maybe some of you will enjoy it too.
  • realize that your son will love you more intensely than anyone or anything else in the world.
  • at times, you will be blown away by the depth of your love for him. this would be the case EVERY day.
  • don't forget that as a baby, he will always be looking for your face. It will be this way forever.
  • spend as much time with him as you can. this is for your sake as well as his.
  • read all the advice books and baby guides you want, but trust your instincts. they're good.
  • watch out when you're changing his diaper. baby boys shoot straight in the air. ask katelyn about this one...
  • know that your job in life is to feed him, love him, and point him in the right direction.
  • be ready for him to wake up hungry. boys eat more than you can imagine, even as babies. funny, he ALWAYS wakes up hungry. and, he knows exactly what sounds we make as we're making a bottle!
  • keep lots of soft towels handy. he's a drooling machine. yes he is!!!
  • the more you talk to him, the sooner he'll talk to you.
  • realize that from day one, he's wired to be self-reliant. don't change that.
  • if you wait until he cries to pick him up, you're teaching him to cry. unless he is sleepy, then i give him 5 minutes... and usually he's smiling as i carry him back to my bed. yea, he has me wrapped around that little finger.
  • you will want to just watch him - his eyes, his hands, his movements - for hours. it's normal. good!
  • remember, he needs to be around you, to hear your voice, to see you looking at him.
  • relax. throwing food is normal. heck, throw it back. i need to start practicing this one!
  • buy him a soft blanket. he will keep it for years. yay!
  • you'll remember his laughter at this age forever. which is why even though it is bedtime, when he starts laughing, i keep on tickling!
  • don't forget, he needs one-on-one attention from you.

1 comment:

  1. think about #3... and think about Michael Phelps. He would win and do what?!? Search for his mama's face. Sam already does it. He will be upset and look for me -- drives Rob crazy :-)



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