Monday, November 24, 2008

Kendal's TV preferences

Kendal really doesn't watch much TV. However, through his life, I've noticed a few shows that he really enjoys. (Enjoys means he can actually focus on it for more than 2 seconds, or will turn to it when it comes on.) In the mornings after breakfast (if I even remember to turn on the TV), I will tune into cartoons (as opposed to WRAL news) when he's in his jumper, usually about 30 minutes. Often, SpongeBob is on (depends on how slow or fast we make it downstairs for breakfast). This morning, I ran a little behind... and SpongeBob was already off, but Sesame Street was on. Today he really seems into Sesame Street. The program isn't ALL music, but they do sing a lot of songs. He didn't watch the whole thing, but he did focus on it for a few moments at a time... when they were singing songs! if there is a good beat, he'll dance with it! He loves music. He loves shows with songs. Here are some others songs/shows that he really likes: 1. INTRO to SpongeBob. He doesn't really watch the show part of SB, just the intro song. SpongeBob makes Kendal so happy that he makes "OOOOOO" lips and often claps or raises his hands above his head (yay). 2. WonderPets! Wonderpets! is all music - and he can watch a whole 15 minute episode without distraction! How's that for attention span! When he watches WonderPets!, he is SO excited through the whole show. He claps, dances, smiles, laughs, and raises his hands above his head. WonderPets! is clearly his favorite show. Hopefully for Christmas this year, I'll be able to find the WonderPets! Save the Nutcracker DVD... It comes out Dec. 1st. 3. Anyone who's ever shopped at Gymboree knows that they have a TV station for kids to sit while the parents shop. Last week, they were playing music from the Rudolph show (the old claymation one, you know what i'm talking about?). He was dancing and clapping to the songs! Maybe that will be another DVD set I can be on the lookout for this holiday season! 4. The WRAL song (they play it before the news comes on after commercials). He always looks up for this one. 5. The "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" theme song - played during commercials. He looks up for this one too. 6. The Boomerang song (Boomerang is a cartoon channel for those of you who do not know). He loves that song too. It is short, but he always dances to it. Well that's it for this morning. I just thought I'd mention this because today is the first day I've really seen him paying attention to Sesame Street. (P.S. His 30 minutes in the jumper is USUALLY the time he poops in the morning. Must be something about jumping and working out a poop... Kinda similar to the pre-race stretches and sprints that runners do - I swear it is so they can take advantage of the portajons before they get into the race!) Time to go - gotta change the diaper! (Its been 30 minutes since I put him in the jumper (and started writing this blog) - and he just had a series of grunts... now the odor reached my nose! I tell you, who needs an apple a day - the jumper trick works too!)

1 comment:

  1. :-)

    As a consequence of this phenomenon, I now know entire kid show theme songs that I can sing at the first sign of a cry...

    "Are you ready kids? Aye, aye, Captain! I can't hear you! AYE, AYE, CAPTAIN!! Ohhhhh..."



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