Thursday, August 20, 2009

"kendal's" birthday list

(yes, they are still in their PJs in this photo...)
i've been getting questions... what does he want? who knows. but, here are some things he doesn't have and would probably like. i've been working on a list for a month or so... for myself, but i'll share it! since he can't read and pretty much has no idea what the internet is yet (he just thinks the computer is a place where pictures constantly cycle through...) - if you want to "claim" something for yourself, please let me know and i'll remove it from the list. but, that is up to you. and, this is also just a suggestion list. you may have better ideas! he may hate all of these things! who knows! he still loves books, and the wonder pets, and farm animals - and he rarely sits down these days. he needs some yard toys but those are too expensive even for us (and probably too "big" for him still). one more note... this list is just a "something like this" kind of list. for example, the $42 vacuum, well, i don't particularly care if it is THAT vacuum, that just happened to be the vacuum on the site i was browsing at the moment. i know that dirt devil makes one, i've seen it somewhere, but i didn't take the time to find it online. so, that is what i mean when i say a "something like this" list. also, we don't mind second hand stuff! so if you have hand-me-downs (or you like to shop at consignment store or places like that), don't hesitate to regift! kendal will never know the difference. and we don't care. :) anyway, here is my old blog post....

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