Thursday, August 13, 2009

some cute pictures from today after nap

holly's after-nap feeding was interrupted by kendal about mid-way through the bottle. he was ready to get OUT of the crib, so i thought. since she was in my arms, i couldn't exactly get him out at the same time, so i sat her down in it... thus he decided that was too much potential fun to let it pass!!! holly quickly also decided it was fun, even though it meant she'd have to wait a little longer to finish her bottle. kendal LOVES her so much, he is always trying to lay on her. he filled her lap with his blankets (yes, blanketS - he has three...) and then laid down on them, in her lap. then kendal showed holly how to turn on his glow worm. she liked that. they really were having fun in the crib! after a brief make-out session... kendal piled all his stuffed animals on top of her. i think she liked being at the bottom of a stack of stuffed animals! after a 15 minute hiatus, holly finally got to finish eating. here is kendal's grover face (or brian shrader face - the traffic guy on WRAL...) he was making it at himself in the mirror while i was feeding holly! how cute is that?

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