Wednesday, August 19, 2009

traveling light

"a wedding is reenacted in which we hear the thoughts of the bride and groom. the groom enters, laden with luggage. a bag dangles from every appendage. and each bag is labeled: guilt, anger, attogance, insecurities. this fellow is loaded. as he stands at the alter, the audience hears him thinking, finally, a woman who will help me carry all my burdens. she's so strong, so stable, so... as his thoughts continue, hers begin. she enters, wearing a wedding bown but, like her fiance, covered with luggate. pulling a hanging bag, shouldering a carry-on, hauling a makeup kit, a paper sack - everything you could imagine and everything labeled. she has her own bags: prejudice, loneliness, disappointments. and her expectations? listen to what she is thinking: just a few more minutes and i've got me a man. no more counselors, no more group sessions. so long, discourgement and worry. i won't be seeing you anymore. he's going to fix me. finally they stand at the altar, lost in a mountain of luggage. they smile their way through the ceremony, but when given the invitation to kiss earch other, they can't. how do you embrace someone if your arms are full of bags?" my sister mailed me a book called traveling light by max lucado about 2 or 3 weeks ago. i've been reading it page by page... and it is a good book, but i just don't have a lot of time to read these days. however, the first chapter REALLY grabbed me. this book, naturally, came at a perfect time (and i know that is why she sent it) of loosing a job, etc. when my stress is high. and though i pray often (not often enough) and feel like i so give my burdens to my Lord, the few hours of sleep i get at night because of laying away with a working brain lends itself otherwise. anyway, if anyone is looking for a good book, althought i've not finished this one, i can relatively positively say that it's gonna be a good one. :) thanks sis! "for the sake of those you love, travel light. for the sake of the God you serve, travel light. for the sake of your own joy, travel light. there are certain weights in life you simply cannot carry. your Lord is asking you to set them down and trust him He is the father at the baggage claim. when a dad sees his five-year-old son trying to drag the family trunk off the carousel, what does he say? the father will say to his son what God is saying to you. 'set it down, child, I'll carry that one.' "

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you like it!! It is probably pretty annoying to read, since I marked and wrote all in it. As a matter of fact, I probably have my study notes around here somewhere -- this was a Bible Study we did at ZBC. We took a chapter a week. I like how Max Lucedo writes. He never seems to be judging -- and writes like he really does know what 'normal' people are feeling. Anyway... glad you like it!



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