Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Melissa!

Before any crazy folks decided to go and ruin the day known as "September 11th,"  it was a special day in our house already.  Not a bad kind of special like it is now.
Our American flag is flying high on hour front porch just like it does every day.  We are proud Americans every day.  Every day I pray for our soldiers and celebrate and are grateful for my freedoms.  Every day, I hope and pray that every human on earth can have the same rights that I have, even if my insurance company decides that my migraine medicine isn't necessary thus they remove it from their "list" and now I have to pay nearly $200/month rather than $30/month to take it. Anyway, at least I don't have to stand in line to use my vouchers to get toilet paper or government made cheese and I can go to a doctor I choose (for now, right?).
But for the past 31 years, including the last 8 years, today is the day that I celebrate my sister's birthday.  Today will ALWAYS be the day that I celebrate her birthday - it was her birthday first!
Happy Birthday Melissa! 


  1. Well said, Analee! You are a GREAT big sister to both Melissa and Katelyn! I know they realize how lucky they are! I celebrate with you today because of the special place in my heart I will always have for Melissa!

  2. In addition to Melissa, I have another friend born on 9/11.
    Bad, terrible, awful things happen to people each and every day of the year.
    Thankfully, so do wonderful ones!
    Happy B-Day, Melissa!



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