Sunday, June 21, 2009

friday five - "where" facts

though it is a day late, here is this week's friday five! 1. i ate apple pie in julian, ca - a place supposedly famous for apple pie - but not on my first trip to the town. on my first trip there, nathaniel and i went to get cough medicine and ate at the julian cafe. it snowed 6 inches while we ate and nathaniel was a nervous wreck (they were calling for a blizzard). we followed a snow plow down the mountain after we ate. later that week we went back up to julian to eat apple pie (at mom's pie house). there was still a foot of snow everywhere, but the roads were clear. 2. the first place i went white water rafting was the french broad river. i've been rafting about 8 times in my life. it was also the last river i floated down. 3. the first and only place i've rock climbed is on the south rim of the grand canyon.
(you have to look close, but i'm in the center of this photo on my way down the face... had to repel down to climb up!)
4. though i haven't even been out of the united states except to go to tropical destinations, i'm sure that my favorite place in the world is northern NM and AZ. 5. though there are at least three hospitals closer to my house, i delivered both of my babies at rex healthcare. if i have a 3rd, i'll deliver there again. it is a great hospital.

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